Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hey peeps!

Hey peeps out there!!!

Im in computing an i am just editing my blog... so is my friend Hummer Stretch...

We are meant to be doing these presentations on our family but it is saved on another mac and we cant access it... so we are just editing our blogs.

we are really bored!!!

gotta go!

Hi again!

Hi peoples!
Im in homegroup...AND TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!
One of my friends is on Tux Paint and my other friend isn't doing anything, she is just watching another friend of mine on Kahootz. I think that's how u spell it.

Our home group is in a computer lab. its boring sometimes...
I gotta go coz the bell is gonna go soon.

awesomehellokittylover : )

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Im still in french and im still really bored.

My lonelybloggergirl friend is doing something on her blog, my hummerstretch friend is searching for pics of famous peeps like Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp and stuff like that, my other friends like iiloveyu and dontdodrugs are just editing their blogs.

All my friends have a blog...or two...
i cant believe it!!!

I gotta go.
Lunch is in like 4 or 5 minutes so yeah...

Love from
Awesomehellokitty : )

Hi peoples!!!!

Im in the middle of French right now and im really bored!
I had another blog but i forgot the password so i made this new one. Heaps of my friends have blogs. Im bored... have i mentioned that???
My friend, her name is...HummerGirl loves this guy named Clock (we make up random nicknames) and she cant stop looking at him.

I gotta go!
love from,